Saturday, February 23, 2008

Haven't been here in a while!

After struggling to remember my user name and password, I've finally returned to my
"Just Me - Being Me" blog!!!

I'm starting with a clean slate...erasing most of the old stuff and preparing to post new!

Enjoy and be sure to come back often!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

I don't condone violence...but in this case...

2pm today my phone rang...the voice on the other end was familiar. It was the Principal from my 12 y/o's elementary school.

The conversation went as follows:

"Hi Melissa, this is D.W. from XYX and I'm calling today because we had an incident at school today with "T"."

I thought, what in the world did she do now? Just a month ago, she caused the school to be on lock down because no one could find her and her friend...ends up they were in the bathroom trying to work out boy drama and were late to class.

Anyway, I said, "Hi."

She follows with, "T came in and told me she was being teased by a boy today and that he's been teasing her for a while now and today she finally had enough and took matters into her own hands."

I gulp...thinking, what did she do?

I said, "Ok..."

"She slapped this boy across the face...and between you and I, if he would have said to me what he said to her at this age, I would have slapped him too." "However, I have to discipline her for this."

I said, "I totally understand." I went on to say, "This is probably partly my fault. I was teased growing up and have told my kids that if I would have just smacked one person growing up I probably would have saved myself years of teasing."

The Principal said, she understood and that she was teased as a kid as well.

After discussing appropriate disciplinary action, we decided that T should lose a couple of recesses. I agreed that it was a fair punishment. After all, even though I'm proud of my daughter for standing up for herself, she can't go around hitting people when they piss her off.

When all was said and done, an incident report was filled out and a sexual harassment report was filled out against the boy as well.

When she got home from school, we had a short discussion and I asked who it was that was teasing her. Come to find out it was a friend of hers! I told her, she was no longer going to have him as a friend. This incident could have gotten her suspended.

Apparently, all is good now. The boy is sorry and so is my daughter, however, I'm putting my foot down when it comes to them being friends outside of school.

What would you have done?

Friday, April 6, 2007

A Beauty "Do!"

I'm a Perfume Diva! I love perfume! My favorite scent is "Sexual", by Michel Germain.

Every time I wear it and I do mean every single time, I get complimented and asked what I'm wearing.

Here's a perfume tip I was unaware of until today and thought it was worthy of sharing.

Apply perfume to your armpits (after a scent free deodorant) and on the curve under your breasts. The fragrance is released when your body heat rises.
-Glamour Magazine


Friday, March 30, 2007

My rant on racism

I'm all for celebrating greatness, but what I'm not for is segregation or discrimination against any other race!

Today, my son's school celebrated Cesar Chavez Day by handing out cookies and Peeps, no big deal right?? Well, the Hispanic kids were also given ice cream.

If you were White, (there are no Black or Asian kids in his school) you were not allowed any ice cream.

What the hell is up with that? Granted, my son didn't really care...however, it really pisses me off.

As parents we're suppose to teach our kids to treat everyone equally, that skin color is just that, a color and means nothing...yet, a school that wants to squash discrimination is enforcing it!

What if it were Presidents Day and only white kids (being that so far there have only been white Presidents elected) got ice cream, leaving out Blacks, Hispanics and Asians. There would be a riot! People would be up in arms and it would be all over the news. Yet, today it was done to non-Hispanic kids and what will be said about it? Probably nothing.

Now, before you think I'm a racist of some sort, I'll tell you that my son may be white, but my daughters are part Hispanic. I don't have a prejudice bone in my body. I was taught equality and teach it to my kids.

Our society will never treat each other as equals if they aren't treated as equals in school! 'myspace

Breast Implants...To Do or Not To Do...

Since my appearance on ABC's Extreme Makeover women often ask me what it's like to have breast implants and if I would recommend the surgery.

The first thing I notice is if this woman has a large nose, no chin or needs something done on her face. One thing I've never understood is why people with huge noses or no chin choose to get boobs instead of their face worked on?!?!

Even if your boobs are what draw people...a...ok, men to you, they will eventually look at your face. I once met a woman with a large nose and no chin and all she could talk about was getting implants to help her out in the dating field.

This doesn't work girls! Work on your face first...period! It truly isn't all about the boobs! Sure, it might help you land a few one-night stands, but I highly doubt that's what you're really looking for.

Personally, I think there are two major advantages to having breast implants. The first is you feel more feminine after the surgery and that leads to taking better care of yourself and feeling more confident.

The biggest disadvantage I've run into is that some women suddenly develop a superiority complex that turns them into a total bitch.

I've known at least a handful of couples that break up after implants because she no longer finds him interesting and wants to explore what else is out there.

This comes from the newfound attention a woman gets. Take it from me ladies...the grass isn't greener on the other side!

Another disadvantage is that many women loose most or all sensation in the nipples and areolas! You can loose it in one side or both sides.

It can be quite embarrassing when your working out (or just out on a chilly day) and while one nipple is responding the other isn't. Make sure you're truly ok with losing sensation or having them so sensitive that a touch or intimate moment can be ruined with a sudden surge of pain.

Next, How do you decide on the right size? My first suggestion is to search the Internet and men's magazines. Find photos of girls with breasts that are too small and those that are too large for your taste. It helps if you can find out the height and weight of these girls to give you a better idea of how the breasts will look on you.

Follow that by finding a surgeon. Unless you're being referred to a Dr, I suggest visiting at least 3 before decided which surgeon to go with!

While there, be sure to try different size implants on! Most Dr's have samples you can stick in your bra. This assures you the size you like best. I also recommend wearing one of your favorite tops. This way you know how they'll look in your favorite style of clothing.

Don't shop by price. Having a Dr. in Beverly Hills doesn't mean you're going to come out looking like a Victoria's Secret model!

Ask to see before and after photos!!! If you're Dr. doesn't have any, find another Dr.!!!

And finally, remember bigger isn't always better! At 5'2, you shouldn't opt for a D cup!

The one thing I tell everyone who asks about implants is,

"The more you add now, the more sag you'll have later!"

Just because you pay thousands for implants doesn't mean they'll stay perky and in place forever!

My before and after:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Babymoon - The new "In" thing to do!!

It's the new "In" thing to do...take a babymoon!

About 70% of expecting couples are taking a weekend away before the birth of their baby for some alone time.

You can find babymoon package deals ranging in price from $530-$1,400 for a 2 night stay.

Some of these packages are quite extensive. Offering 1-hour massages for both parents, gift baskets, gift certificates and gourmet meals.

California offers the most babymoon packages, while 7 states, including Nevada don't have such packages.

What a great way to escape for some relaxation before your little one arrives!

To find a babymoon package near you, visit:!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Ditching those extra calories...

Women who ring up their own groceries are less likely to make impulse buys that could add pounds!

The savings: 7,200 calories a year - 2lbs. of weight gain.
-According to the IHL Consulting Group survey of 533 consumers.